how do insurance companies make money

how do insurance companies make money

how do insurance companies make money? Insurance companies have many options for making money, almost all at the customer’s expense.Insurance companies make money by betting on risk. Insurance companies make their money by betting on risk. This includes the chance you won’t die before your time, your house’s stability, and the possibility your SUV won’t be … Read more

what is comprehensive auto insurance

what is comprehensive auto insurance

what is comprehensive auto insurance Comprehensive car insurance protects the insured against any third-party liability and damages. You are also protected financially against losses that are not due to collision. Comprehensive insurance for cars offers more coverage than Third party, but you don’t have to pay more. You can compare online comprehensive car insurance quotes and find the … Read more

does home insurance cover boiler replacement

does home insurance cover boiler replacement

does home insurance cover boiler replacement Is a busted boiler covered under standard homeowners insurance policies? Being a new homeowner, I am thinking everything is covered under my insurance plan. The boiler leaves me nervous as it may potentially cause a lot of damage, maybe never to mention being quite costly to replace if it … Read more