Easy to make tiramisu cake with perfect methods

Easy to make tiramisu cake with perfect methods. This is an Italian dessert.

Basic ingredients for tiramisu cake:-

  • 4 eggs
  • one tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup heavy whipped cream

How to make a tiramisu cake recipe?

In a large bowl, add 4 eggs Separate the whites and yolk. Add one tsp vanilla extract and mix half cup sugar. Beat until soft peaks form.

With the help of a filter, one cup all-purpose flour sieve. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt and half tsp baking powder. We will mix well with cut and fold methods.

Keep in mind that we do not have to over mix it. After this, we will beat the mixture of 4 eggs well with the help of a blender.

We will transfer this mixture over our batter and mix it well with the help of a spatula. Line a 10 × 12-inch baking tray with parchment paper.

We will transfer our prepared batter to this tray and spread it well. On a preheated oven, bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 ° c.

coffee syrup

Take 2 cups of warm water in a jar and we will add 2 tsp coffee powder.1 tablespoon dark rum (optional) mix and let it cool.

How to make Frosting?

To make frosting we will take 1 cup heavy whipped cream and whisk until soft peaks formed. Take another bowl and put two hundred grams of Mascarpone cheese. whisk until smooth.

Add 4 tsp powder sugar and beat it well. we will put in our prepared whipped cream and mix it well.

After baking, we will take out the cake and let it cool down a bit. After it cools down, we will cut it in the center. And we will keep this separately.

First, we will apply coffee syrup on the portion of the cake with the help of a brush or use a spoon to soak the cake.

Make a layer of the frosting For this, we will use a piping bag. After this, we will put the 2nd cake layer on it, and again we will put coffee syrup.

The frosting layer will be applied with the help of a piping bag and cut the edges. Dust will coca powder and refrigerate overnight and then we will serve it. Our tiramisu cake is ready. You can cut it into any shape.

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