lemon flummery recipe mary berry

lemon flummery recipe

Basic ingredients for lemon flummery recipe

  • Six large cups or 12 medium dessert cups
  • One tablespoon of gelatine
  • Half cup caster sugar
  • two tablespoons of plain flour
  • 3/4 cup water
  • one cup of fresh orange juice
  • 2/3 cup passionfruit pulp
  • One kiwi fruit, peeled, sliced, and cut in half 12 blueberries Piping bag (optional)

How to make lemon flummery recipe

  • In a large saucepan, combine gelatine and sugar. Slowly add the water. Stir overheat. Mix until it boils. Allow it to boil for approximately 2-3 minutes. Continue stirring.
  • Take off the heat. Transfer to a bowl. Mix in passionfruit pulp and orange juice. Mix well. Refrigerate until the mixture is set around the bowl’s edges (approx 1hr).
  • Take the mixture out of the fridge and add it to the bowl. The mixture should be whipped together until smooth and creamy. This takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • You have the option to pour the mixture into individual dessert cups by hand or pipe it into smaller containers. Cover with glad wrap, refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Once set, decorate with a half-sliced kiwi and a blueberry.

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